Once you've selected avian rings for your birds, our website provides a form for you to conveniently place your order.
Form is basically the same for each type of the rings.
You can see different fields, namely size, color, country, year, code, name, phone, city, numbers on rings.
Some of the fields are required and some are not.
Required field is a field without filling which you can't place an order.
Non-required field is a field that you don't need to fill, you can place an order without filling it.
On our website we have a couple non-required fields namely country, year, code, name, phone, city, numbers on the rings, if you don't want to fill some of them, that's OK, order will be placed successfully.
Required fields:
• Size
• Color
Size - inside diameter of the ring, you can choose by clicking on needed for you.
(We can't make our rings taller or lower, you can choose only diameter options)
Color - the color of your ring, just as size you can choose by clicking on the one you need.
Non-required fields:
• Country
• Year
• Code
• Name
• Phone
• City
• Numbers on the rings
Country field (That field is not required, you can leave it empty and place an order)
If you want to see the letters that identify your country on your rings, you can type the name of your country in letters, for example "UK" for United Kingdom, "CY" for Cyprus, "USA" for United States of America etc.
That field is not required, you can leave it empty and place an order.
Year field (That field is not required, you can leave it empty and place an order)
If you want to see year on your ring you can fill the field with 4 numbers or with 2 numbers, for example, 2024 or 24.
Code field (That field is not required, you can leave it empty and place an order)
The code field is a field for your own code which will be printed or engraved on each ring.
Code can fit maximum 5 symbols.
Name field (That field is not required, you can leave it empty and place an order)
If you want, you can type a name to be written on the rings. You can use only big or big and small letters (like JOHN SMITH or John Smith). We will follow your format.
Phone number field (That field is not required, you can leave it empty and place an order)
If you want to see phone number on your rings, you can type it on phone number field.
Please remember, that phone number contains at least 9 numbers, and we can't fit it, for example, on 3mm rings.
City field (That field is not required, you can leave it empty and place an order)
You can use only big or big and small letters (like LONDON or London) We will follow your format.
Numbers on the rings field
If you want to have unique numbers on each of your rings, for example, from 1 to 50 or from 34 to 4500 we can do it. But if you are ordering 50 rings maximum difference between the numbers you have chosen can be 50.
So, if you are ordering 100 rings and you want to mark each ring with numbers from 1 to 101 that's a mistake.
Image (Not required)
On some of our products you can put an image.
It's not required, but if you want, you can upload image.
Rings are small, so please, do NOT upload images with a lot of small details, keep it simple.